Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Why every child should be given a fair chance

As George Orwell’s once penned down that ‘Some are more equal than others,’ we are beginning to realise how much inequality affects children. There is an evident inequality of income and opportunities in general affecting all age groups. While we all strive towards equality, can we not forget the children who deserve a fair chance to be in school? Today, we would like to talk about why we should bring children back to school!

Back to school

Millions of children today need food and education. They battle with inequities on a day-to-day basis. Many credible reports state that if we don’t tackle the inequity at various levels today, millions children of primary school age will be out of school. Good news is we can do something now through various charity donations or non-profit fundraising ideas of helping children go to school. 

Every child deserves a fair chance to grow, explore life and learn from his surroundings, from school and the environment. Here’s why – 

A fair chance gives the child space to grow

Every child is built uniquely with his/her own set of aspirations, dreams, background and perspectives. A lot of times children can totally stump you with their understanding. Other times they may charm you with their innocence. Children therefore must be nurtured with a natural sensitivity towards their environment and background. 

A fair chance ensures natural exploration

It’s only when each child is given a fair chance is he/she able to explore knowledge and life with much freedom. Many top NGOs such as Akshaya Patra are working hard to provide this kind of natural nourishment so children learn to have a neutral stand about things around them and make choices on their own. 

A fair chance is necessary for a broad perspective

The adolescent years contain crucial lessons and have a deep impact on the rest of their lives. When children are given a fair chance to grow, they get a broader perspective about life. They grow up to become sensitive citizens who are aware of what’s important for the growth of the society.

A fair chance paves way for education

Learning is an integral part of any child’s growing up years. When children are given equal opportunities to study and learn, they are able to pick up vital lessons for life along the way. Akshaya Patra encourages charity donation in order to run its mission of serving wholesome lunch to school children so they are incentivised to attend their schools regularly and get a chance to study. 

A fair chance gives them a healthy growth

When children have equal resources for physical and mental nourishment, they grow up without grudge against their circumstances. This is very important for their healthy growth. This way they are able to focus their energies towards issues such as education, awareness, emotional intelligence and respect towards others. 

There are several children charities activities that you may initiate from your end towards the cause of giving children a fair chance of growth. One of the ways is definitely to help children get wholesome lunch so they are encouraged to come to school. We urge to join hands with one of India’s top NGOs - Akshaya Patra.

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