Tuesday, May 23, 2017

How important is education for the future?

In this age of information overload, there’s little that we are grasping. All the more reason that education should be emphasised upon now. Education is the knowledge of implementing information at the right place.

Donate for education

Schools in India have now come a long way since independence. The government today is ensuring that education is being imparted through aanganwadis, schools, midnight schools and so on. For a majority of the population, it’s formal education that can help them get where they wish to be. Hence, its importance cannot be overlooked. 

A major role of NGOs such as Akshaya Patra today is played out in the field of education, simply because it really is the foundation of the future. So if there’s a cause that you want to back up today or engage in a fundraising campaign online, you should pick education and choose to donate for education in India. 

Education paves way for choices 

Unless children are given equal opportunities of education, they will never learn about the various streams and avenues that could open up for them. Our future society needs skilled and educated professionals in every vocation. We need doctors, engineers, mechanics, teachers, nurses, writers, technicians, photographers, artists, dancers, actors and more. 

Education exposes children to the outside world 

Manthan Jikadra, a beneficiary of the mid-day meal scheme run by Akshaya Patra, is a Class VI student from Surat. He diligently attends school and loves to explore the subjects being taught. He regularly participates in cultural activities and has ambitions of becoming an entertainer when he grows up. This is an example of how schools can become a level playing field for children to see the outside world through various means of education. Often the choices and passions children take up in school become their means of earning a livelihood in future. 

Education broadens perspectives 

A future society cannot be founded on evils such as racism, corruption, malice or intolerance. How will future citizens know and learn to respect each other? Through education, children learn to co-exist, share and encourage each other. These qualities don’t come easy and cannot be inculcated overnight. These are often rooted deeply in our upbringing and culture. Education involves learning of various streams, development of mental faculties and exploring information from around the world. This helps children broaden their perspectives. When this happens, we can hope of building a society that treats everyone equally.

An organisation such as Akshaya Patra is working tirelessly to get children to attend schools because education is a cause worth investing in. Through its service of providing a wholesome lunch to children in Government schools, the role of Akshaya Patra as an NGO is to advance the cause of Food for Education. You may choose to back this up through online fundraising campaigns for the organisation or simply by donating for education in India through the online medium.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Some fundraising ideas that you can actually try for the cause of education

There’s greater joy in giving than receiving. And if this giving is directed towards education in India, you are practically building a more literate nation. What if this giving helps in sending children back to school? There are fun ways you can indulge in fundraising for organisations such as Akshaya Patra who are on a mission to bring children back to school.

Fundraising for NGO

What are those ideas?

Selling handmade cards/bookmarks 

Gather children in your area to create interesting cartoons, drawings or paintings related to school life under the theme ‘Back to school’.  Explain the concept of how many children drop out of school in India due to lack of resources and how they need to be sent back to school. Let the children use their imagination and create cards, posters and bookmarks. Organise a small sale in your area, school or college. Let the children do the selling. You can use these proceeds to sponsor a child at Akshaya Patra.

Book exchange

Students in school or colleges or even working executives can be invited on Facebook to exchange their books. Keep a nominal fee to enter the exchange programme. Inspire people to give away their unused or read books that they don’t wish to keep anymore apart from exchanging. Organise a fun gathering at your school, college or office to exchange the books. Ask each participant to ‘sell’ his or her book counting the merits of reading it so others are inspired to exchange their books. Use the proceeds to indulge in donating for education in India. Enlighten the participants that the proceeds would go for the cause of sending Indian children back to school.

Online fundraising campaigns

Today a thoughtfully created online poster for a good cause evokes real emotions since browsing online is the second nature of the millennial generation. Use the power of online media to create online fundraising campaigns for Akshaya Patra. Since the organisation provides wholesome lunch to school children to bring them to school, you can create campaigns around nutrition and education. Outline that by donating for education in India, participants are helping NGOs in India play a more impactful role in the field. It’s easier to create online fundraising campaigns and if done smartly, they can raise a significant amount of funds for the cause.

Garage sale

You can simply organise a garage sale in your office or colony and ask people to donate things from their school or college time. Ask participants to not only donate an item but also buy items that are priced at nominal rates. It could be a stereo, old books or unused notebooks, old bicycle, etc. Share with participants that the proceeds of this sale would be donated for education in India so more children could be incentivised to go back to school this year.

The role of citizens towards the cause of education is as big as the role of NGOs. You can be part of the great mission of sending children to school by creating your own online fundraising campaign.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Why every child should be given a fair chance

As George Orwell’s once penned down that ‘Some are more equal than others,’ we are beginning to realise how much inequality affects children. There is an evident inequality of income and opportunities in general affecting all age groups. While we all strive towards equality, can we not forget the children who deserve a fair chance to be in school? Today, we would like to talk about why we should bring children back to school!

Back to school

Millions of children today need food and education. They battle with inequities on a day-to-day basis. Many credible reports state that if we don’t tackle the inequity at various levels today, millions children of primary school age will be out of school. Good news is we can do something now through various charity donations or non-profit fundraising ideas of helping children go to school. 

Every child deserves a fair chance to grow, explore life and learn from his surroundings, from school and the environment. Here’s why – 

A fair chance gives the child space to grow

Every child is built uniquely with his/her own set of aspirations, dreams, background and perspectives. A lot of times children can totally stump you with their understanding. Other times they may charm you with their innocence. Children therefore must be nurtured with a natural sensitivity towards their environment and background. 

A fair chance ensures natural exploration

It’s only when each child is given a fair chance is he/she able to explore knowledge and life with much freedom. Many top NGOs such as Akshaya Patra are working hard to provide this kind of natural nourishment so children learn to have a neutral stand about things around them and make choices on their own. 

A fair chance is necessary for a broad perspective

The adolescent years contain crucial lessons and have a deep impact on the rest of their lives. When children are given a fair chance to grow, they get a broader perspective about life. They grow up to become sensitive citizens who are aware of what’s important for the growth of the society.

A fair chance paves way for education

Learning is an integral part of any child’s growing up years. When children are given equal opportunities to study and learn, they are able to pick up vital lessons for life along the way. Akshaya Patra encourages charity donation in order to run its mission of serving wholesome lunch to school children so they are incentivised to attend their schools regularly and get a chance to study. 

A fair chance gives them a healthy growth

When children have equal resources for physical and mental nourishment, they grow up without grudge against their circumstances. This is very important for their healthy growth. This way they are able to focus their energies towards issues such as education, awareness, emotional intelligence and respect towards others. 

There are several children charities activities that you may initiate from your end towards the cause of giving children a fair chance of growth. One of the ways is definitely to help children get wholesome lunch so they are encouraged to come to school. We urge to join hands with one of India’s top NGOs - Akshaya Patra.