Thursday, March 30, 2017

Five Reasons Why You Should Invest in Education

‘An investment in knowledge pays the best interest’ – these wise words of Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of The United States of America, are timelessly true. Education is the most important tool for the pursuit of knowledge. School education in particular, is of paramount importance in shaping young hearts and minds and securing a bright future for them. Keeping the flame of education alive, though, needs collective effort and significant investment. One way to invest in education is to donate to charity, towards organisations that work towards it. The Akshaya Patra Foundation, an NGO that supports the cause of ‘food for education’, serving nutritious mid-day meals to over 1.6 million children across India, strives to keep the light of education burning in the lives of its school children.

Education for children

Why, you ask, is investment in education so important? Here are five reasons for it:

To secure the future of children

Children are the future and they deserve a tomorrow that comes with financial, physical and emotional security. Education is a means towards this end. It boosts future prospects, encourages their dreams and empowers them to pursue them. Without it, job security and quality employment are difficult to come by and the scope for advancement is limited.

Education breeds gender equality

The world and all the wonderful opportunities it presents, is for both, men and women to inherit. Education plays an important part in freeing people from the shackles of restrictive, outdated mindsets. As the popular saying goes, ‘if you educate a girl, you educate the entire family’. Well-educated adults, thus, challenge traditional gender roles and help create a fairer, more gender-equal world.

A tool for nation-building

If a nation has to progress – economically and socially – education is the first necessity that needs to be met. A well-qualified workforce is a formidable asset that attracts and multiplies investment in the country, leading to more jobs, higher incomes, better standards of living and greater prosperity for the nation. It also leads to a rise in a country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). A sense of pride develops among citizens when a nation progresses impressively and provides them with great motivation to strive for its further development.

Leads to a healthier population

Education brings knowledge of health and hygiene. Healthy practices in daily life are adopted by well-educated people, since they are made aware and convinced of the rationale behind them. Be it everyday practices, issues related to maternal and child health, or general awareness about steps to take to ensure a healthier future – education is greatly instrumental in teaching people about the same.

It gives back to the giver

Donating to charity benefits the donor as well – it avails them income tax exemption. Under sections 35AC and 80GGA of the Income Tax Act 1961, every donation upwards of Rs 500 made to a registered non-profit organisation, is eligible for 100% tax exemption. Isn’t it wonderful, the fact that investing in education avails tax benefits for the one making the donation?

Education, thus, is the need of the hour and Akshaya Patra is striving hard to ensure that no child is deprived of it due to hunger. So, make the decision to the cause of ‘unlimited food for education’ and make a donation towards it now.

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